Having a boy or a girl?

Expectant mothers and their families are often filled with anticipation and enthusiasm during this exhilarating stage of pregnancy. The question that frequently arises is, When can we determine the baby’s gender? and the second inquiry being, How long will it take to identify their sex? It is possible to determine the baby’s gender as early as 15 weeks into pregnancy, and it usually does not take much effort.

The duration it takes to determine the gender relies heavily on the baby’s position. Typically, it only takes a few minutes to recognize the gender. Yet, we don’t conclude the scan after identifying the gender as we examine the gender from various perspectives to ensure our determination is accurate.

What to expect during your gender determination visit.

Are you curious about what will happen during your first visit with us at Baby Blooms Ultrasound for gender determination? Rest assured that our friendly front desk staff will warmly welcome you and make you feel at ease during your wait for your scan. No need to worry – we’ve got you covered.

When it’s your turn for the scan, a spacious and cozy room awaits you with ample seating for your loved ones to join in on the experience. We understand that welcoming a new sibling into the family is significant, which is why we encourage your little ones to tag along during your visit.

We have a massive screen, which will allow your loved ones to witness the ultrasound and rejoice with you.

When the scanning commences, the initial image of the baby will always be in 2D, irrespective of your intended 4D/HD ultrasound visit. That’s because 2D scanning is a crucial factor in deducing gender. Basically, in order to obtain a 4D or HD picture, we must use 2D scanning as the foundation. The gender will either be revealed first or heartbeat heard, depending on the baby’s position.

Upon the realization of your baby’s gender, we shall make an official announcement along with highlighting the same on the screen for your convenience. However, if you intend to host a gender reveal party, we shall respect your wishes by switching off the display during the gender identification process. Subsequently, we will enclose the gender-related images in an envelope to facilitate your friends and family to arrange for the announcement.

Upon completing the procedure, the screen will be reactivated, offering you the opportunity to witness your baby’s movement and kicks. We shall take ample time to save images of the baby for you to take back with you. You will have the liberty to go for shopping thereafter.

Want to Make a Booking or Have a Question?

Call us : ‭(217) 737-0979‬ or schedule your appointment online below.

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